Monday, November 17, 2008

Stop Poisoning Your Kids!

Johnny can't read, sit still, or stop hitting the neighbour's kid. WHY?
More kids are getting brain cancer. WHY?
Our kids are the test subject for thousands of toxic chemicals. WHY?
Do you know that developmental, learning and behavioural disabilities are on the rise?
In recent years, childhood illness are mostly chronic. Asthma is the leading cause of hospitalisation. Cancer is the leading cause of death. Among children.

The world we live in, our environment plays a huge part. Approximately 80,000 synthetic chemicals have been developed after 1940s. Many of them are found in our home. Toxins in homes account for 90% of all reported poisonings each year. Studies have shown that, on average, each of us is walking around contaminated by 27 different chemicals. Did you know that you probably have dangerous toxic solvents, carcinogenic sprays and gender-bending chemical cocktails in your kitchen cupboard?

Kids are more vulnerable to these toxins found in many of our household chemicals. They absorb more from the air, water and food becoz their bodies are smaller. Because they are also closer to the ground, they breathe in more toxins that settle on the ground. Crawling toddlers habitually put their hands into their mouth and are literally eating the toxins into their developing bodies.

You might be thinking now, we have been using all these household chemicals but they still haven't killed us.
Think again.
More people are dying from cancer. What was it like before industrialisation?
The increase in number of kids diagnosed with ADHD, hyperactivity, learning disabilities, reduced school performace, aggression, asthma and cancer are increasing and getting too high.
Some development (language, attention, memory) impairments are permanent.

Reduce exposures to these harmful toxins.
Simply, change your household cleaning products.

Call me... Hoonie at 90226060. Make the switch TODAY. Use natural, environmentally friendly, non-toxic and economical for your home.

The concern is real. do a search : 'household toxins'
I have some interesting website that i'll like to share with you.

CANCERactive : The Pollution of Our Children -

CANCERactive : As Safe As Houses -

Children and Toxics in Schools -

Learn About Chemicals Around Your House -

Children & Toxic Chemicals in the Home -

Please... Protect Yourself from Household Toxins -

Household Cleaners : What you don't know can hurt you -

How "Fresh" Is Air Freshener -,8599,1664954,00.html
exposures to certain kinds of phthalates (found in air freshener) can cause cancer, developmental and sex-hormone abnormalities (including decreased testosterone and sperm levels and malformed sex organs) in infants, and can affect fertility.

Formaldehyde & Cancer -
formaldehyde is found in many household items

Improve your indoor air -

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