Monday, February 02, 2009

A discussion on facebook.... I just cut and paste! Lazy... :P

I'm in the networking biz promoting eco-friendly household pdts. When i first joined the company, it was the products that got me interested first. Household cleaning products that are safe, non-toxic, eco-friendly and best of all, economical! Then I saw the potential of this as a biz for me. So all the more I wanna grow my network.

I went on to do some research on household toxins. Do you know that household cleaners could be the cause for many chronic diseases these days, like asthma, eczema, autism and other learning disabilities? Boston 5 news channel reports a study done which attributes household cleaners to the increase in asthma cases in children. EPA reports that a woman working in the house is at a 55% higher risk of getting cancer than someone who works out of the house. Sick building syndrome, indoor air is more toxic than outdoor air.. these are all not unheard of.

It's also known that many of our personal care products, from our shampoos to body wash, toothpaste to lotions, skincare and make-up do contain synthetic chemicals and are causing hormonal problems, chronic headaches, skin allergies, and many more problems. But then why are we still not thinking about safer alternatives? Marketers will never tell you what the ingredients will do to you. It is YOU who will have to be more aware of what you are using and CHOOSE to use the safer products. Who will eventually be the test-tube of the synthetic chemicals world? Who will be the one suffering the effects of chemicals? It is YOU.

I'm glad I was introduced to Melaleuca. I choose to switch brands. Use products that is safe for myself and my family. And at the same time, get to earn a side income when I tell others about these products. You want to know more? I can be reached at +65-90226060 or u can email me at

Cheers to your good health!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Animals in captivity

Resorts World Sentosa's is importing whale sharks for its main attraction in its Marine Life Park.
Whale sharks at IR? Bad move, say activists

Why do they not consider getting captived sharks, dolphins instead? Why must they be removed from the wild? Are the tanks in its Marine Life Park as wide as the ocean? If they really 'need' to have dolphins, maybe get those already in captivity, since they are 'striving in captivity', breed more and leave the truly wild ones alone.

Even with the animals in the zoo, do they 'move' or are in action when you see them? The animals are mostly lying on the ground, sleeping, eating or non-existent. You don't see them in action, hunting for their food, as food is readily thrown to them at a particular time. You mean they have meals thrown to them in the wild? nicely cut up too? hahahaha...

You want to see some real animal in action, national geographic and animal planet have definite more interesting clips then to see the real life thing. And these footages are usually taken in the wild, mind you. Think abt it, animals in captivity are just there to let u see them in person. Maybe to reiterate the fact that there are really such animals in existence... in flesh... but unfortunately, not in spirit. :(

Friday, January 16, 2009

Time to chill out

Recently, I've been pretty stressed up with clearing my stock, building my networking business, family issues, children's school that I realised I've been pretty harsh on the kids. Motherhood is not a easy path to take. Recently, I've been missing my youth.. wishing time could bring me back 10 years. To the time when we could go out when we want to, come back as late as we wish to, do whatever we wanted to, without having to worry about the kids - school, dinner, bedtime. There's more to that side of me which I shall not touch on for now.

So this week, I decided that I shall pick my 2nd boy from school, let him have some time with nature, before picking up the eldest from P1. On Monday, we stopped by a field, just beside our house. It's just a wide empty field. I let the Deshawn and Deshann run while I pack some stocks at the back of my Jazzy. They were wary of the grass. I'm thinking, oh no. So I showed them the 'touch-me-nots'. They were fascinated by it. Wanted to show Deshane how they close. We ran across the field to the riverside. They are doing some works at the river which is soon to be a reservoir. We looked at the cranes, the big barges closeup. Then we played catching. As we head back to car, Deshawn asked for more. He enjoyed the simple time we had.

Tuesday... Deshann was sleeping in the car seat. So we had to stop somewhere where we could let him sleep in the car, while we take a breather. I parked by a mini-park with a jogging track, cemented 'open' area, and a playground. That is as close to nature as we can get in Singapore. I ended up on the mini grass patch beside Jazzy. Deshawn was worried about sitting on the grass. It felt 'pokey'. He said it's dirty. Gesh! We used to run, roll, play on the grass and how much we loved it! A primary school teacher friend once told me she had students who refused to sit on the grass during PE lessons. Mind you, it's grass, not dirt! I let Deshawn sit on my lap and slowly transitioned him onto the grass. He got used to it. He used to play with the sand till his whole milk beaker was sandy! My, how fast they get 'concreted'. Nature is still best eh? It's absolutely fine to eat some dirt! Will give your immune system a boost!

Thursday... 'forced' Deshawn to sit on the grass if he wants to eat ice-cream, while waiting for kor-kor to be out. Deshann (just turned 2) refused to sit on the grass... pokey... he says...

I wonder... while we sit on the grass, play on it. What do people walking on the jogging path think? What will you think?