Saturday, June 28, 2008


I've done it for all 3 boys. And I do not hide while doing it. No, I'm not going to restrict myself to a nursing room or dressing room for that 20 mins. I shop and feed, I eat and feed, I people-watch and feed, I even hike and feed. And no, I do not expose my breast, I just do it. I have people coming to me while I'm breast-feeding and they think that baby is sleeping. Only when I mention that I'm breastfeeding do they realise that, turn red and excuse themselves.

Reading Baby's Room = Diaper Change Room = Nursing Room = Family Room = Not Breastfeeding Room? and the comments posted, I think we have to learn to be more considerate. We are all mothers, and we understand what it's like to be one. I think the lady wanting to change the diaper can just ask if we can share the room. The writer, Linda Koh, can just offer to share the room. It seems that Linda's husband is telling them that the room is used and cannot be shared. If we are more tolerant, more considerate, I think life would be more pleasant. Sometimes, it just makes someone's day to see a smile, so smile, laugh, it'll make you happier too.

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