Friday, June 20, 2008


After tireless nights and days and years of bedwetting, suddenly I decided to do a search on bedwetting on the internet. Wikipedia ( tells me that bedwetting is involuntary. Before you think it is me, no, it is my 2 elder boys aged 4.5 and 6 years.

Yes, I've tried many ideas, clearing bladder before bed, waking them up after about 2 hours of sleep, limiting liquids just before bedtime. None of this seems to work, put them on diapers, then off diapers when I'm out of them, only to have the toilet full of hanging shorts/pants and a smelly bedroom. Then back to diapers, even caning them, doesn't help. So now, I finally have come to terms with it, it is involuntary and until their body is ready to be toilet-trained at night... there seems to be nothing I can do about it.

I think I might try the bedwetting alarm. I really hope it works. I'm sick of the idea of putting on diapers for my big boys.

But one thing really pisses me off. They pee, ok, it's involuntary, but can't they feel that they are wet? They can go on sleeping in their wet warm pee, until it is dry in the morning! gesh! boys...


rachelsee said...

hahah sleeping in wet warm pee makes me laugh!
we thinking of putting a pail in the bedroom for mal to pee at he doesn't need to walk so far to pee..even for myself, i find it a chore to wake up in the middle of the nite to pee!
good luck :)

Hoonie said...

I have to learn to take it more light-heartedly. I get so pissed with piss...

Dawn Lee said...

Oh...poor hoonie. Do the boys wet their bed when they r here is phx?? or it is just now??